Nuovo Utente
Città: strelhla
Inserito il - 03/12/2012 : 07:48:48
I hope the post is right here.
I have the following problem,and I want to buy a products in this mode:http://www.akkus-adapter.com/asus-x72jt.html Since last Saturday, my Mac Mini has become extremely slow. He is consumption determined 30 minutes before he started up. May, if he is ready then it takes forever to open, I mis a program. even off the screen saver out he need 10 min.
I still have a windows laptop. The two are on the same network. I moved a file from the Internet on the laptop down and on an external hard flap (which is connected to the Mac). After that was a virus on the laptop and he did not even start.
Can it be that the virus is also on the Mac? How do I get down there if only safari open an hour lasts? What else can this be?
I hope you can give me a suggestion.
http://www.boabateria.com/bosch.html |