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martedì 6 maggio 2008

Cisco Wants You Back!
As a networking professional whose certification has lapsed, you are probably asking yourself the following questions:

* Should I get recertified?
* I have a new role, do certifications matter?
* Do employers value Cisco certifications?

We believe the answer to these questions is a resounding, "Yes!"

Recertification ensure competency.

Here is why:
Cisco Career Certifications are one of the highest ranking certifications in the IT industry. In fact, many IT professionals and managers believe Cisco certifications bring them more value than their university or technical school diploma! What is more, Cisco is employing new security measures designed to safeguard the integrity of your certification ¡ª and protect its value with employers. A Cisco certification lets the world know you are prepared for what is next in networking ¡ª the next company, the next promotion and the next challenge.

So, what is holding you back?
Cisco exams can be rewarding and challenging at the same time ¡ª that is another reason they are so highly valued by IT professionals and employers alike, and now is the time to reinvest in your future.

For a limited time, Cisco is inviting those whose certifications have lapsed to "Come Back" with a special offer. Register and take any Cisco certification exam at the regular price, and ¡ª if you don it succeed on your first try ¡ª you will get a free second opportunity to pass the exam and Come Back! *

Come back to Cisco Career Certifications ¨C For details on this special offer or to schedule your Cisco certification exam at a Pearson VUE test center today,

Click here to view the Cisco recertification policy. Wishing you the best on your career investment.

Cisco Career Certifications

* Both the full price and free "Come Back" exams must be taken between April 21, 2008, and October 15, 2008. The free exam must be the same exam number as the exam you failed.

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